Deport-o-Mania: But Who'll Rebuild Houston?

♠ Posted by Emmanuel in , at 8/29/2017 06:52:00 PM
Who'll rebuild Houston? With an immigration crackdown underway, it's a pretty big question. First off, I wish to extend my sympathy to the residents of the great American city of Houston. While the United States' fourth-largest city is mostly imagined to be an oil town, the truth is that it's been busy diversifying away from energy. Hence, even if oil prices are depressed, the city hasn't just muddled through in wait for another oil boom. Instead, it's broadened its economic based to become less reliant on oil and gas. When Hurricane Harvey runs its course--as it eventually will--the city will be in some need of rebuilding....

Canada's Plan to Keep NAFTA Alive and Kicking

♠ Posted by Emmanuel in , at 8/24/2017 02:54:00 PM
The Yanqui villain is on the left. The Canadian [C] and Mexican [R] protagonists seek to defuse his worst tendencies. The commencement of the NAFTA renegotiation has been, if nothing else, an opportunity for the Trump administration to engage in grandstanding about how the protectionist president is fed up with Canada and Mexico not competing on a level playing field. Aside from running trade surpluses with the United States (which reveals the extent America is being "taken advantage" of), both stand accused of stealing American jobs (i.e., whenever US multinationals hire workers anywhere except the US). Hence US Trade...

How Trump the Vulgar Boosted the Hallmark Channel

♠ Posted by Emmanuel in at 8/23/2017 03:06:00 PM
The Hallmark Channel is everything Trump's America is not: civil, polite, and uplifting. Despite his improbable appeal to certain segments of the American electorate--you'll have to point them out to me since I can't find any sensible reason why--I'll bet they would agree that Donald Trump is a walking obscenity. Insulting anyone and everyone--people of color, people of other faiths, foreigners, white people who don't agree with him and so on--he arguably sets new lows for public discourse. His exceedingly crass manner has dragged American public discourse and the rest of the world's views of the United States into the...

Leave Banking, Hawk Cryptocurrencies for a Living

♠ Posted by Emmanuel in at 8/03/2017 04:56:00 PM
There's plenty of these already--with boatloads more to come. Manias in the business world are nothing new. In the technology realm, we've had any number of these already like the dot-com boom followed by the dot-com bust earlier in this century. In the realm of finance, the latest and greatest gold rush concerns the issuance of cryptocurrencies. Instead of initial public offerings of shares of stock, the marquee events here are initial coin offerings (ICOs). As no shortage of issuers and investors buy the gospel (or Kool-Aid for skeptics) that cryptocurrencies represent the future widely-used form of money, there is a...

Blockaded Qatar Takes Saudi, UAE to WTO

♠ Posted by Emmanuel in , at 8/01/2017 04:57:00 PM
Of course Qatar knows the WTO. The current [?] WTO negotiations were initiated in the capital of Doha. I am fascinated with the blockade on Qatar by fellow Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, supposedly for supporting "terror." For the country where most 9/11 attackers came from and which has funded fundamentalist education throughout the world, Saudi Arabia is particularly noteworthy. My belief is closer in line with those who believe Qatar acts more as a neutral ground for those wary of Middle East authoritarianism--even if these folks may include Hamas and Hezbollah...