Greed is Good: UK COVID-19 Vaccine Edition

♠ Posted by Emmanuel in , at 3/24/2021 01:31:00 PM
Is the UK topping this table due to "greed" at the EU's expense? The height of 80s money worship is symbolized by the 1987 film Wall Street whereGordon Gekko, Michael Douglas' memorable character, reasoned that "greed is good." As a person who came of age during that decade, all I can say those were the days, my friends, even if I do not necessarily agree with the sentiment. Or has "greed is good" logic been consigned to the dustbin of history? Of all the darndest places, we are now being refamiliarized with the phrase in the age of COVID-19. Supposedly we're in this enlightened age where getting everyone vaccinated is...

Hong Kong Booted From 'Economic Freedom' Rankings

♠ Posted by Emmanuel in at 3/09/2021 04:19:00 PM
Is Hong Kong circa 2021 ideologically closer to Mao Zedong than Milton Friedman? Hong Kong used to be regarded as the world's shining example of the merits of free markets. No less than Milton Friedman--the most prominent libertarian thinker of his generation--lauded Hong Kong for its economic success due to following laissez-faire policies. Once upon a time, and for quite a long time, Hong Kong led the world in the ease of setting up and closing a business, allowing entrepreneurs manifold opportunities to come up with a formula to make it big. Government rarely made its presence felt back in the day.Like all good things,...