♠ Posted by Emmanuel in Credit Crisis,Europe
at 11/30/2011 10:30:00 AM
Even while commentators as mainstream as the FT's Wolfgang Munchau are already counting the days towards EU breakup and the Economist ponders its inevitability, we have some interesting countervailing forces at work. They're something to think about if you've tried totting up the trillions upon trillions said to be necessary to keep the monetary union intact.While the current Tory-led coalition is very Thatcher-esque in pooh-poohing the EMU, remember that there remains an older generation of Conservative politicians who believed the UK would eventually adopt the single currency. Remember Kenneth Clarke and Chris Patten. To this list we should add Michael Heseltine:Former Deputy Prime Minister Lord Heseltine has said he still expects the UK to eventually join the euro. The Conservative peer, one of his party's most pro-European figures, said the eurozone had real problems but he hoped it would survive as its collapse would be "catastrophic" for the UK.All three of the largest...