♠ Posted by Emmanuel in Education
at 2/06/2012 03:22:00 AM
The above photo from one of the 2011 riots--including several LSE students, no doubt--helps continue to puncture my image of current LSE students as little more than a money-grubbing, investment banking lot...like me, perhaps! Especially after the tuition fee rises, my view of them as generally apathetic has gone through the wringer. Given the school's Fabian (read: socialist) roots, it's a return to form. They're supposed to thrash stuff up. The picture captures the atmosphere of the scence, and I am struck by how the appearance of the protesters (students?) gives little clue as to whether this photo was taken a few months back instead of during the sixties. Interesting stuff.
Here's the caption:
This picture was taken by Musfira Shaffi, an undergraduate student in the Department of Sociology. It was taken on Oxford Street during the pension cut protests in 2011. An exciting, simmering picture of rebellion, discontent, and destruction.